1. 按照沈阳防疫部门要求,外市来沈人员遵守“5天5检+健康监测”的管控措施。请考生到达考点时上交到达沈阳后5天5检核酸检测阴性证明,打印出来携带纸版前往考点,核酸阴性证明应能体现出沈阳当地检测机构出具。(核酸检测阴性证明下载方式见附件1)。
2. 所有外市来沈人员,应提前48小时主动通过“盛事通”APP、微信小程序搜索“盛事通”或扫描“来沈人员自主报备”二维码,向社区完成报备,并配合落实抵沈后的各项防控措施。(我考点所在社区为:辽宁省沈阳市沈北新区正良街道鑫欣社区)
3. 全体考生需将《考生考试安全承诺书》(见附件2)打印出来填写完整并手写签字后纸版于考试当天携带上交,拍照的电子版用“考试日期+考试名称+考生姓名”命名于考试前第7天(例如11月19日考试,需在11月12日提交)上午10:00前发到邮箱synuwgy@163.com中。请考生按时提交电子版及纸版材料,以免影响正常考试。
4. 考试当天,一竞技官网正门为进出校园唯一通道,步行约15分钟到达考场所在楼。由于考前需进行各类防疫检查,建议考生至少提前半小时到达考点。
5. 考生在指定校门进出时,须遵循以下要求:
请所有考生关注“沈师外语考试”公众号二维码 。如有疑问,公众号中咨询。或在工作日上午9点--11点拨打电话:024-86592534 024-86592448。
附件1 核酸检测阴性证明下载方式.pdf
附件2 考生考试安全承诺书.docx
Admission Notice for TOEFL, GRE, General IELTS, and Computer-delivered IELTS during the Epidemic Prevention and Control Period at Shenyang Normal University Testing Center
(Updated on November 8, 2022)
In accordance with the National and Shenyang municipal Epidemic Prevention and Control Policy, for the purpose of preventing and controlling the epidemic in overseas examinations, all candidates taking examinations at Shenyang Normal University Testing Center are requested to understand and comply with the following requirements.
1. According to the requirements of Shenyang epidemic prevention department, personnel from outside Shenyang are required to comply with the control measures of “5 tests in 5 successive days plus health monitoring”. Candidates are requested to provide a printout of the 5 tests after arriving in Shenyang with a negative nucleic acid test report, and bring a paper version to the Testing Center (see Annex 1 for the way to download the nucleic acid test report); a printout of Candidate Examination Security Statement (see Annex 2), a photo of which should also be taken and named by “test date + test name + candidate name”, and sent to synuwgy@163.com on the 7th day before the test date (for example, send it on Nov. 12 if the exam is on Nov. 19). Candidates are requested to submit the electronic and paper copies on time, so as not to cause any disruption to the normal examination.
2. All personnel from outside Shenyang should take the initiative to register with the community 48 hours in advance through the “ShengShiTong”(盛事通)APP, or the WeChat APP by searching for an add-on program “ShengShiTong”, or scanning QR code of “Independent Registration of Personnel from Outside Shenyang”, to cooperate with the implementation of various preventive and control measures after arriving in Shenyang. (The community where our Testing Center is located is: Xinxin Community, Zhengliang Street, Shenbei New District, Shengyang, Liaoning Province)
3. On the day of the test, the main entrance of Shenyang Normal University is the only way in and out of the campus, and it takes about 15 minutes to walk to the building where the Test Center is located. Due to the need for all kinds of anti-epidemic checks before the test, candidates are advised to arrive at the Test Center at least half an hour prior to the time of the test.
4. When entering or leaving the designated entrance, candidates are required to comply with the following requirements.
(1) A face mask must be worn.
(2) A report of negative Nucleic Acid test within 48 hours of the candidate’s arrival should be submitted.
(Note: Issued by the government-accredited nucleic acid testing institutions, major hospitals or regular nucleic acid testing sites; Ensure that the test day is within the time covered by the nucleic acid test report, especially with the general IELTS, make sure both the oral and written test dates are covered by the test report, if not, two copies need to be provided respectively; Both electronic or paper copies of the report are acceptable.)
(3) A printout version of the negative nucleic acid testing report with 5 tests in 5 successive days in Shenyang is required.
(4) Green pass code from “Liaoning Health Green Code” is required. (searching for an add-on program “LiaoShiTong” in WeChat to generate the pass code)
(5) A travel record of the last 7 days of the green code before the date of the test provided by the Epidemic Prevention Travel Card in the convenient service of the State Council Client. Candidates with a history of travel to cities in low-, medium- and high-risk areas will not be accepted for the examination for the time being.
(6) Candidates are required to scan the Place Code when entering the campus and the building where the Testing Center is located.
(7) Candidates of any age are required to produce the LiaoShiTong health code and the travel record code. Candidates may not refuse to produce the two codes for any reason, such as being too young, not having or carrying a cell phone, or having a cell phone that cannot show the two codes. Candidates are requested to bring a cell phone that can display their two codes to the Testing Center.
(8) An original and valid identity document consistent with the registration and a paper copy of the examination confirmation letter must be brought.
(9) Body temperature must be taken. Candidates with a body temperature <37.3℃ can enter the Testing Center. Candidates with a body temperature ≥ 37.3℃ must receive a second temperature check, and candidates with a double-checked body temperature ≥ 37.3 ℃ are forbidden to enter.
(10) Social vehicles such as cabs, online hailed cars and private cars are prohibited from entering the university. Candidates (including minors younger than 18) are required to enter the university at the designated time, and no parents/chaperones are allowed to enter. If the test is held in the morning, access to the university is restricted to the morning of the day, and candidates are not allowed to enter at any time other than the designated time for an excuse of “getting familiarized with the test site”.
5. Layout of the Testing Center
The requirements listed above shall be updated in case of any changes. Candidates can visit our website regularly, and please call the Testing Center at 024-86592534, 024-86592448 if you have any doubts, or send inquiries to the official account of “SNU Foreign Language Examination” (沈师外语考试) in WeChat.
QR Code for the official account of “SNU Foreign Language Examination” (沈师外语考试) in WeChat
Annex 1: The way of downloading the nucleic acid test report附件1 核酸检测阴性证明下载方式.pdf
Annex 2: Candidate Examination Security Statement附件2 考生考试安全承诺书.docx